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How Advancements in Technology Have Impacted Betting on Teams Like the Dallas Cowboys

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Did you know that the Dallas Cowboys are one of the biggest and most popular teams on the National Football League (NFL) roster?

You can hardly get through a conversation about the latest football game you watched or how the NFL is doing without the mention of the Dallas Cowboys — and to be fair, rightly so, as one of the most decorated and long-standing teams in the NFL, it’s only natural that their reputation proceeds them.

As a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, you’ve likely gone to watch some of their live games (if you were lucky enough to get a ticket).

You probably have their merchandise and even play video games that feature the team.

Another industry and world that is popular among NFL fans is sports betting. Thanks to advancements in technology, fans can expect a far safer, more reliable, inclusive and more immersive experience than ever.

This article aims to shed light on a topic perhaps not spoken about so often, like sports betting, but one that impacts the fans, and it’s crucial to share information on how this industry has become more secure and reliable over the years.

Safer Online Experiences

Most of the betting that you can partake in today is online. If you are trying to place a bet, you need to make sure that you do this in the safest way possible.

Thanks to the advancements in technology over the years, you don’t really need to worry too much, as a lot of casinos and sites have done the brunt of the work for you — just click to view the list here to see everything you need to know.

Seeing as platforms spend most of their time updating sites to make them safer for you, your main job is to identify which of the sites strikes you as the safest.

This leads to the next point, reliability, which will be outlined below.

Reliability Through Reviews

If there is one thing the Dallas Cowboys are known for, apart from their Super Bowl drought since the 1995 season, it’s their commitment to the team and their desire to share useful information.

Therefore, before you place a bet on the team, make sure that you consult the experts — the fans.

A true Dallas Cowboys fan knows almost as much about the team and its operation as the coaches and managers. That’s how invested they are.

You should spend some time speaking to your fellow fans to make sure that you haven’t missed out on any important information. You can do this in person or use chat rooms.

If you want to place a bet on, say, a win in the next game, but you forgot to factor in something as small as weather conditions, running your idea past a fellow fan will ensure that you don’t leave any stone unturned.

Inclusivity with Micro-Betting

Another factor that is interesting for Dallas Cowboys fans and punters to know about is the fact that micro-betting has been a massive contribution from the land of technology.

What is micro-betting you ask?

Well, just as the name implies, it’s the act of being able to place small bets as often as you like, hence the word “micro.”

The reason this one is important to mention and why it is such a big change in sports betting is because it has opened a whole new world of betting to people who might not otherwise have had the means to bet.

Think about it. Say you could only bet on whether or not a big team like the Dallas Cowboys are going to win or lose their game.

The entry level to this bet would have been too high to make reasonable winnings, therefore coming across as not very inclusive at all.

Thanks to micro-betting, no matter how small your investment and no matter how small the action you’re betting on, for example, if the quarterback is going to make the throw or not; you get to partake in the world of sports betting.

Don’t forget that this is not only a technological advancement but something that can only exist because of faster Wi-Fi, being able to watch games live from your TV, and having sports betting platforms fast enough to manage the massive amount of bets coming their way.

Immersive Features

A further nifty technological enhancement is artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR).

As a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, you have likely dreamed often of being on the field with the team and playing.

With VR and especially VR headsets, you can now pretend to be there with them in ways that have not been possible previously.

Pop your VR headset on, immerse yourself in the game, and feel the rush and risk that the players feel when making a pass — only you’re feeling it through a bet.

One thing that is worth mentioning is that no matter how amazing these features and tools are, you need to remember to practice betting responsibly.

Never invest more time or financials than you have readily available.

Sports betting is only meant to be a hobby and should it ever become something more than that, you need to stop or seek help through either a support group or an addiction intervention professional.

Bryson Treece

Managing Editor

Nothing gives me greater joy than the experience of being a Dallas Cowboys fan come time to check another victory on the schedule every Sunday. I live Inside The Star every day and blog on it occasionally, as well. I have owned and operated InsideTheStar.com since 2009, reporting on and analyzing Cowboys football ever since. Follow us on Twitter - @CowboysNation

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