A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Jerry Jones Sounds Off On 105.3 Radio Hosts


Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones is clearly not happy with the state of his football team, but he took it out 105.3 The Fan this afternoon.

Jerry was audibly frustrated at the completely fair questions the hosts of the K&C Show asked, and things got real vulgar real fast.

“Get your damn act together yourself. Ok? Settle down just a little bit…I don’t like your attitude to come in. I’ve been traveling all night and don’t have the patience to jack with you today” – Jerry Jones

Jerry owned up the team’s struggles, stating that there is “no one in the NFL more responsible for what’s going on on the field than me.” Whether or not he’s correct in this assessment is up for debate, but there’s no denying he’s played at least a part in this team’s incompetence.

Jones also sounded off on allegations that the team has quit on head coach Jason Garrett. Jones said that when you quit on the coach, you quit on yourself. And he added, of course, that he knows the team is capable of better than this.

Maybe they are better than this, but this is how they are playing right now.

Uninspired, unprepared, flat, pathetic – all of it. Hopefully the Cowboys can start to turn things around after this long week, but it’s getting really bleak around The Star.

Die-hard Cowboys fan from the Northeast, so you know I am here to defend the 'boys whenever necessary. Began writing for a WordPress Cowboys Blog, and have been with ITS since 2016.

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