A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Cooper Rush, Dak Prescott — Compare and Contrast


Quarterbacks Dak Prescott and Cooper Rush have shared the Cowboys roster for five years and have been well acquainted with one another.

I’ll be looking at each of their stats and comparing their skills together. I’ll also be sharing how each one is different in his own way.

Before we get started, I’d like to first share with you that I won’t be saying which quarterback is better or worse.

I have merely noticed some similarities and differences between their playing styles that are worth noting.

One thing between the two of them is that they both play heedfully with the ball.

Each quarterback takes their time and makes sure the chance of an interception is unlikely. Both Prescott and Rush know that a turnover can ruin the game, so they always throw as carefully as possible.

To support this, Cooper Rush has only thrown 1 interception in his career.

Yes, I know he’s only started in two games and has played ever so often between drives, but it is still a very good stat.

During Dak Prescott’s seven seasons in the NFL, he has thrown 51 interceptions. That’s a lot, but when we convert that to his IPG (interception per game), it’s only about 0.52 per game.

That is low for a quarterback entering his 7th season as a starter.

  • Prescott seems to have a better eye for his receivers downfield than Rush.
  • Dak Prescott seems to throw downfield more often than Cooper.
  • Cooper likes to make quicker, shorter passes with a smaller chance of incompletions.
  • Dak does the same but risks some of his passes when throwing deep.

With those differences it still doesn’t make one better than the other, it just has to do with experience and trust in their own throws.

One more difference I noticed is Prescott scrambles A LOT, for the good reason of having a poor offensive line.

Now, with that said, Cooper Rush doesn’t scramble as much as Prescott does.

Why is that?

The answer can be found in the speed at which each player gets rid of the football.

While watching Cooper Rush play last week I noticed he gets the ball off quite fast. Dak, on the other hand, waits longer which sometimes results in his need to scramble.

I’m not one to question who is the better quarterback.

Cooper Rush has been getting the job done for Dallas but it may be a bit too early to start determining if he’s capable enough to be the full-time starter.

With that said, each quarterback is different and adds a new factor to the field every game. Both of their playing styles are unique and contribute largely to every snap they play.

Hey there! My name is Tony Stahl. I have two passions, writing, and football, when you put those two together you have where I am now, Inside the Star! I am 19 and live in Fort Worth and am a huge Cowboys fan. Football is my most favorite topic and I could talk your head off all day about it.

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