A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Would a boycott get Jerry Jones’ attention?


As the fallout continues this month over the chaos at The Star, disgruntled fans are talking boycott.

In some cases, they’ve already fired the first shots. Several have indicated they will not be renewing their seats for the 2025 season.

Others are forswearing attending even a single game.

Calls to stop buying Cowboys merchandise have gone out while some plead for media outlets to no longer talk about the franchise or its owner at all.

Angered over the seemingly haphazard approach to hiring a new head coach, the fanbase is unloading on the front office.

Neither Jerry or Stephen Jones helped matters with their reactions. Jerry Jones bizarre reference to “smiles and glory holes” and Stephen Jones putting air quotes around the Cowboys title drought didn’t help.

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA - SEPTEMBER 29: Owner Jerry Jones of the Dallas Cowboys and Executive Vice President Stephen Jones talk before a game against the New Orleans Saints at the Mercedes Benz Superdome on September 29, 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)

As far as the elder Jones’ bizarre comment, I got nothing. I think there’s an old oilfield reference in there, but I haven’t the first clue how it related to the question.

The younger Jones might as well have thrown a thousand gallons of gasoline on a small campfire.

He would have done less damage that way, as opposed to that dismissive gesture.

In short, the fans are mad as hell, and they aren’t going to take it anymore (And there’s your 1970s movie reference for the week.)

They want to do something about it. Which begs the question:

Would a boycott get Jerry Jones’ attention?

A Growing Frustration

Sadly, no.

If this was an ownership solely focused on wins, losses, and championships, then a boycott might work. That is not the case here.

This ownership values being ranked the top-valued sports franchise.

At $10.2 billion in value, a fan in Mineola, TX dumping his two season tickets isn’t going to make a dent in that number.

And the sad truth is, for everyone who declines to renew for 2025, there are five people waiting in line to grab them.

Even if you keep your seats and sell the tickets off, your seat is filled. Even if those seats are filled with the visiting team’s fans, they are filled seats.

Would a boycott get Jerry Jones’ attention? 1

Which means Jerry Jones got paid.

There is no way to expect over 90,000 people to voluntarily not show up after paying the kind of money it takes to get inside the building.

Short of stationing the Texas National Guard outside with orders to shoot anyone trying to enter, the Jones family will see butts in seats. And dollar bills in their pockets.

I get the frustration, I fully understand it, and I share it.

But the undeniable truth is: A boycott cannot succeed in prying this franchise out of Jerry Jones’ grip.

But is there no hope, you ask?

What Can Be Done?

There is only one way out of this. We have to understand that Son of a… Arkansas oilman is 83-years-old.

He won’t be around that much longer.

Stephen Jones will be 61 this year. He looks about as healthy as a dead coyote on the side of the road.

Cowboys VP Stephen Jones says "there's a lot to look at" regarding 2024 schedule

What I’m saying here is that we all might just have to hunker down and wait them out.

Eventually, this stain on the history of the Dallas Cowboys will be removed.

The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before they were allowed into the Promised Land. We’ve endured 29 years in the NFL’s wilderness.

We probably won’t have to go the full 40.

Especially if Saint Thomas Landry is still on good terms with the Almighty upstairs. (And there’s your blasphemy for the year.)

What I’m saying is we’ll survive this. And when the day comes that the Jones clan is no longer attached to this team, we will all rejoice.

And when the Cowboys win their sixth Super Bowl not long after this curse has been excised, those of us who endured these barren years will enjoy it all the more.

This Is The Way

If you are a season-ticket holder, keep your seats for that day. But in the meantime, sell them with the stipulation that whoever buys them must wear the visiting team’s gear to the game.

If you do attend, do not wear your Cowboys’ gear or even clothing in the team’s colors.

Every time any member of the Jones family pops up on the big screen overhead, boo them. Without mercy.

Would a boycott get Jerry Jones’ attention?

Chant “Jerry sucks” – there are kids at the game, so keep it clean — from the opening kickoff until the final gun.

This family has put us all in purgatory for nearly three decades. Until they divest themselves from the team, we need to put them through as much hell as we can generate.

This would get Jerry Jones’ attention much more effectively than a boycott that does no economic damage.

This is the way.

Richard Paolinelli

Staff Writer

Richard Paolinelli is a sports journalist and author. In addition to his work at InsideTheStar.com, he has a Substack -- Dispatches From A SciFi Scribe – where he discusses numerous topics, including sports in general. He started his newspaper career in 1991 with the Gallup (NM) Independent before going to the Modesto (CA) Bee, Gustine (CA) Press-Standard, and Turlock (CA) Journal -- where he won the 2001 Best Sports Story, in the annual California Newspaper Publishers Association’s Better Newspapers Contest. He then moved to the Merced (CA) Sun-Star, Tracy (CA) Press, Patch and finished his career in 2011 with the San Francisco (CA) Examiner. He has written two Non-Fiction sports books, 11 novels, and has over 30 published short stories.

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