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Michael Irvin accused of feeding “propaganda machine,” Marriott’s motion denied

Since its filing last month, there have been multiple developments in the lawsuit brought against Marriott by former Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin. Most developments involve Irvin attempting to obtain evidence of his supposed transgressions and Marriott moving to deny the request. The most recent events follow this same pattern.

On Friday, District Judge Amos Mazzant III ordered Marriott to respond to Michael Irvin’s request for surveillance video and other materials by Tuesday at 5pm.

Marriott responded to this order with back-to-back court filings. Both filings made it clear that Marriott had no intention of providing the materials requested by Irvin and his attorney.


On Monday, Marriott International asked District Judge Mazzant to either dismiss Irvin’s case entirely or move the case to the District of Arizona. Their basis was a lack of personal jurisdiction. 

In documents filed in the Eastern District of Texas, Marriott argued, “that none of the facts and circumstances giving rise to [Irvin’s] claims occurred in Texas.”

This was the second time Marriott requested to move the case. Previously, they had the case removed from Collin County U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division.

That move was possibly a response to the initial judge’s order to provide Irvin with requested materials. Moving the case gave them an opportunity to convince a different judge that the requests were unreasonable. A similar order was issued, however, with a new deadline.

They also argued in this particular motion that they do not own Renaissance properties. It is true that the specific property where the incident supposedly occurred is owned by PHXHotel, LLC. However, Marriott International is the parent company of Renaissance Hotels.


The very next day after filing a motion to dismiss the case entirely, Marriott filed another court document. According to court documents obtained by the Dallas Morning News, the 15-page motion asked, again, for the federal judge to deny Michael Irvin’s request to expedite the release of surveillance video and other information related to his case. 

Marriott claimed the request lacked “legitimate” urgency. They argued that the only urgency for the request was, “litigating in the court of public opinion in an effort to convince the NFL to let him cover the NFL Combine.”

Marriott went on to argue, “In other words, Plaintiff hopes to obtain the footage so that he can fashion a narrative, feed his propaganda machine, and improperly invite potential jurors to prejudge this matter in his favor… The assertion is smoke without fire.”


After submitting two different court documents to avoid turning over surveillance video and other relevant information, Marriott has been ordered for the third time to honor Irvin’s request for materials related to his case. 

U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant III has ordered Marriott International to produce the evidence by March 7 at 5pm. He has given permission, however, to redact the name of the female accuser. 

So far, the nature of the complaints against Irvin are unknown. Marriott has not provided any details except to say that Irvin made “harassing and inappropriate comments.” 

The information sought by Michael Irvin and his attorney is expected to provide details of the woman’s account. 

Jazz Monet

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Sports culture analyst. Sports competition enthusiast. Host of Bitches Love Sports podcast. Personal trainer. Roller derby athlete and trainer.

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