A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Dallas Cowboys Defense Suddenly a Turnover Making Machine


Don’t look now, but the Dallas Cowboys are playing some of their best football of the year heading into the 2020 season finale against the New York Giants. Teams always want to be at their best at the end of the season and the Cowboys are surprisingly doing just that.

Riding a three-game win streak the Dallas Cowboys are playing some inspired football right now. Andy Dalton and the Cowboys offense is clicking, averaging 30 points a game, and things are much improved on the defensive side of the ball as well. I know, it’s a little surprising.

What the Cowboys are doing offensively isn’t as surprising as what is happening on the defensive side of the ball the past three weeks. We knew the offense had it in them to score with anybody in the league and they’re doing that now. What Dallas is doing defensively here recently though is completely out of character for them this year.

Believe it or not, but the Dallas Cowboys defense has suddenly turned into a turnover making machine. In the last three games they’ve created 10 total turnovers, three just last week against the Philadelphia Eagles. That gives them 21 on the season, which currently ranks fifth in the NFL.

Shocked!? I know I am.

The only thing that has been consistent about the Dallas Cowboys defense for the most part of the 2020 season is how bad they played week in and week out. That seems to have changed though the last three weeks, which is probably why they’re on a three-game winning streak.

The main job of Dallas’ defense is to get the ball back in the hands of their offense. Whether it’s getting off the field on third down more often or creating more turnovers, they are definitely doing their job the last three weeks. Believe it or not, but it actually looks as if they’ve found their rhythm.

Defensively the Cowboys are playing with a renewed energy and toughness we haven’t seen much from them this year. That’s correlating into multiple turnovers a game, which in turn is giving the offense more opportunities to put points on the board.

I may be going out on a limb here, but I believe the Dallas Cowboys wouldn’t be riding a three-game win streak if not for the turnovers they’ve created. As much crap as Mike Nolan has received this year, he deserves a lot of credit for the way Dallas’ defense is playing right now. Maybe he knows what he’s doing after all.

Level C2/C3 quadriplegic. College graduate with a bachelors degree in sports and health sciences-concentration sports management. Sports enthusiast. Dallas Cowboys fanatic. Lover of life with a glass half-full point of view.

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