A Dallas Cowboys football blog

Is it Time to Stop Making Excuses for QB Dak Prescott?


I think it’s time we take off our rose-colored glasses and start looking at Quarterback Dak Prescott with fresh eyes. It’s time to reassess him as a starting caliber QB and forget all about what he’s accomplished thus far in his young career.

Unfortunately, there’s something clearly wrong with the Dallas Cowboys passing game and I hate to say it, but I think it all falls at the feet of Dak Prescott. It’s time we take our blinders off Cowboys Nation and stop making excuses for him. It’s not doing us or him any good.

It just looks as if Prescott has lost any of that magic he had his rookie season. That year he was one of the better QBs in the NFL, but now he is arguably one of the worst, if not the worst. Making excuses for his performance isn’t doing him any good. I’m guilty of it myself, but it might be time to reevaluate the Cowboys QB position.

I know you’ve probably heard all of the excuses as to why Dak Prescott and the Cowboys passing game is pretty much nonexistent. But if not, let me refresh your memory…

Excuse #1: Scott Linehan’s Playcalling

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of Offensive Coordinator Scott Linehan’s playcalling, but it’s been good enough for Dak Prescott to be more productive in the passing game. Unfortunately, Prescott just isn’t executing very well. We have seen I don’t know how many inaccurate/off target throws already this year from him. Linehan can only do so much. It’s up to Prescott to get through his progressions and make an accurate throw to the open receiver.

Excuse #2: Wide Receivers Aren’t Getting Open

This receiving core was put together because they were supposed to be able to create separation on their own with better route running. This was supposed to help Dak Prescott take the next step in his development, but that obviously hasn’t happened. The Cowboys WRs are getting opened by NFL standards, but we all know he isn’t going to throw his pass catchers open or throw into tight windows. He has to have someone wide open in order for him to pull the trigger.

Excuse #3: Offensive Line Playing Poorly

I honestly find people saying the offensive line’s poor play is affecting Dak Prescott’s performance laughable. Troy Aikman actually mentioned it Sunday afternoon against the Seattle Seahawks as well, but I’m not buying it. Yes, they aren’t playing up to their normal standards, but they are providing more than enough time for Prescott to find success in the passing game. Typically, the OL is supposed to give their QB at least three seconds to get rid of the ball. The Cowboys OL is providing that and more, but Prescott is still managing to hold on the ball way too long.


If you can’t tell already, I’m done making excuses for Dak Prescott. We all wanted to believe the Dallas Cowboys got lucky by finding a starting caliber quarterback with a fourth-round selection, but that belief has all but dissipated. It’s probably time for them to focus in on next year’s QB draft class and invest in one early. After all, almost every single starting QB around the league was a high draft pick.

I just think it’s time for this experiment to end before Dallas is too heavily invested in someone who isn’t showing any signs of improvement. Instead, he’s probably regressed. Luckily, we can take comfort in the fact the Cowboys didn’t invest a high draft pick in what looks to be a failure. We can take solace in knowing that it’s just a fourth-round pick, not a first like the Denver Broncos with their selection of Paxton Lynch.

Whatever the Dallas Cowboys decide to do with Dak Prescott is completely on them, but you at least know where I stand. The wrong decision here could set the team back for years.

Where do you stand? Are you done making excuses for QB Dak Prescott?

Level C2/C3 quadriplegic. College graduate with a bachelors degree in sports and health sciences-concentration sports management. Sports enthusiast. Dallas Cowboys fanatic. Lover of life with a glass half-full point of view.

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